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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

BLOG TOUR: Slut by Jettie Woodruff

The Twin Duo #2
Jettie Woodruff

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I thought losing my memory was the worst thing in the world. Forgetting who you are, and where you came from was like driving on a road with only right turns. All leading in the same direction. A direction I wanted to avoid, a dark tunnel that I had to enter if I ever wanted answers.
Losing my memory wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Learning, who I was, and the secrets I had kept was way worse. The unbearable pull and the passion we shared, mixed with the past that I didn’t want to remember, created a whole new storm. The perfect storm of two kinds of crazy. Stupid little fish.


Paxton leaned up on his knees. “Is that Nick?” “Yes,” I replied as I fell into the same tense position he moved to. Elbows on knees, and eyes and ears on the voices. “Where the fuck are my kids?” I leaned up and hit pause, stopping it right there. “This is how it’s going to go? We haven’t even started yet, Paxton. I don’t know where they are. I just asked myself the same question. I’m assuming they were at one of the thousands of activities you had them in. I don’t know.” “You were supposed to be with them.” “Yeah, well, I wasn’t, and I don’t remember why. So. Do you want to do this or not? I don’t see where any good can come from it if you’re going to be like this.” “How the fuck do you expect me to be, Gabriella? You’ve been involved with Lane for the last year. And this shit. I don’t even know what you’re doing here, or why you’re not with our children.” “I’m done. You have fun watching it by yourself,” I said as I pulled my stone from his, and stood like it was really that easy. Paxton jerked me back to his side by my shirt, his hand went around my throat, and he told me how things were going down. Not my way. “You fucking did this to us. You’re the one that showed up here like this with all these lies and secrets. Let’s find out what you’ve been hiding. Okay? We said we were doing this together. That’s what we’re doing. Understand?” I couldn’t reply with one single word. Not even a nod. My eyes closed, my throat closed, trying to control it, and tears slid down my face. Paxton abruptly stopped, let go of me, and stood. “Fuck this, Gabriella. Fuck. I’m sorry. Fuck. I’m just so fucked up over all of this. You forget to stop and think about what it’s like for me. Look at what you’ve brought into this house over the last few months. How do you expect me to be?” Words spewed from my mouth as tears slid down my cheeks. “This isn’t working, Paxton. Let’s stop. I can’t do this with you anymore. I bring out the worst in you, and you do the same to me. It’s not fair to either one of us. We can be good parents without one another.” Paxton looked at me like I’d just punched him in his other eye. “We’re not quitting. No, Gabriella. We’re not quitting. Don’t you ever think you’re leaving me. You’re never leaving, not even if we find out that you’re the wrong wife. You did this. You’re not going anywhere.” “There’s not a lot you can do to stop me, Pax. I can’t do this thing with you.” I jumped a little when he moved back to my side, afraid of him for a second. “I’m sorry, Gabriella. I’m sorry. I don’t want it to be like this. I’m sorry. I swear I won’t get mad. I know you don’t remember any of this, but damnit. It’s so frustrating. Where the fuck was I? Why didn’t I notice this going on right under my nose?” “Paxton, I don’t know.” 

When I finished Suit, I was so confused, my head was spinning, and I was utterly heartbroken. It left me with a huge hangover and to say that I was nervous about reading Slut would have been a total understatement. I was really nervous, but I was also very excited and eager to get answers to if not all, then most of my questions. And man, did I ever get my answers! Some were unexpected, some were not surprising at all, and some gave me more questions, but nothing could take away from the amazing book that Slut is and I just can't tell you how much I loved it!!

What can I say about Gabriella? I guess I can tell you that's she's an incredibly strong heroine and I think she has grown a lot. She's sassier extremely determined, and she stands up to Pax and makes him listen. Gabriella is just totally awesome and I love her even more than I did before!! 

Now at the end of Suit, Paxton just completely tore my heart out and I could not have told you how I felt about him if I tried. Of course, as soon as I started reading Slut, if I was mad him, I couldn't be anymore and I couldn't stop myself from loving him. And I don't know why, but Paxton absolutely owns me. He stole my heart with his all his goodness and even all his not-so-goodness and I can resist him about just as much as Gabriella can and that's not a whole lot. Paxton Pierce has all of me and I wholeheartedly love him!

Slut will take on unbelievable journey that will shock, amaze, and enchant you. It demands all of your attention, refuses to let go of it's hold on you, and it will make you desperate to find out everything. There are times that made my heart ache, times that made me laugh and there were moments where I couldn't stop smiling. It was a spectacular book and it's definitely one of the best books I've read all year!! 

Slut must be read after Suit, it's told from Gabriella's POV, and although there are still some unanswered questions, we do get a happy ending!

~ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars


(The Twin Duo #1)

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Jettie Woodruff is a lifelong writer, living in a pretend world since she was a little girl. Jettie spent hours filling pages of spiral notebooks with a number two pencil and a wild imagination. Her very first story was a scifi of all things.
Jettie writes more along the lines of erotica now. She likes to keep her readers on edge, and deliver a story that will pull out every emotion possible. Writing on the edge of taboo and dark, Jettie hopes to distribute an adventure you'll not soon forget.
Married for twenty five years, raising two boys and one girl has left lots of writing material. She has recently become a grandma to not one, but two of the most beautiful little girls on planet earth.
Jettie also hates doing this bio. That's all you get. She loves to read and write. What else is there? <3

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