Lethal Temptations
by Janine Infante Bosco
Tempted, #5
Publication Date: May 24, 2016
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance, MC Romance
Purchase ($1.99 or #FREE with #KindleUnlimited): Kindle | Paperback
My name is Blackie, I’m the vice president of the Satan’s Knights MC and I’m an addict.
I’ve been trading one addiction for another for as long as I can remember.
I make no apologies for my addictions, nor do I try to hide them.
Until my latest addiction threatens to destroy not just me but her.
For the first time I want to fight the need and not gravitate towards it. I try to deny it and not succumb to it but I’m a prisoner to her purity.
I’m Satan’s soldier, a demon dressed in leather.
She’s an angel, innocent and full of light, she’s my lace.
A temptation so lethal neither of us may survive but, every demon craves an angel.
Guide me to the light.
Take me from the dark.
Give me back my life.
Let me share yours.
They are the selfish words of an addict and they are my truth.
My name is Lacey Parrish and I have a secret, one I’ve tried to deny for a long time, one I’ve tried to spare the world from.
I am a manic-depressive.
Just like my dad.
Some days I’m high on life.
Most days I try to escape it.
People think they know me, they think they see me but the truth is no one knows who I really am. No one sees the real me… a broken girl with a mind that betrays her.
Except Blackie.
He’s my savior, the man who silences my maker.
He’s my knight in shining armor, the man who puts my life before his.
He’s my leather and I’m his lace.
Two broken souls that have the power to heal one another.
This is our story, an unapologetic tale full of temptations.
A love story called Leather and Lace.
Blackie and Lacey’s love is not an easy story. It’s not about fluff and if you’re looking to escape the reality of the world, this book is not for you. Lethal Temptations is true to its title and while there is a love story between the hero and heroine there is an individual story being told about each character.
Blackie is a drug addict.
Lacey is mentally ill.
They each suffer with the demons that haunt them.
Both issues are very much alive in our world and most of us will experience the torment of addiction and, or, mental illness. If not in ourselves than possibly through the people we love.
The smiling person beside you who appears perfect may be suffering in silence, afraid of what society will say or more than that, afraid of admitting their truth.
If you or someone you love suffers from addiction or mental illness, it’s never too late to find your voice and seek help.
My wish for those in need is that they find hope within the pages of Lethal Temptations because, you’re temptations are only lethal if you allow them to be.
Be heard.
Your voice is your weapon against the things that drag you down.
May is mental health awareness month, let’s turn society around and make it our bitch and save the fractured souls that struggle on a daily basis.
Below you will find links on both addiction and mental health.
Thank you for reading,
The Keith Milano Memorial Fund was established to help raise awareness about the devastating and deadly disease that is mental illness. Keith’s spirit and laughter is kept alive through our efforts to increase awareness about mental illness and to raise money for education and imperative research. Keith often struggled with society’s perception of mental illness. Our hope is that by having the strength to say that Keith was “Bipolar” we can strip away the stigma and help others to be more open about their disease.
Keith Milano Memorial Fund
140 Adams Ave Suite B-12
Hauppauge NY 11788
Direct Donation: http://bit.ly/MilanoFund
Addiction Angel
646-404-0637 (24/7) – Dedication to helping addicts kick their addiction
I AM ON A MISSION.... Education and knowledge is key.... Most families and loved ones need guidance and I am here.... if you or your loved one is struggling don't hesitate to call Addiction Angel.... Licensed and professional volunteers and help is available, call 646-404-0637 (24/7)
Professional interventions
NARCAN training
Resources to treatment
Inpatient / outpatient
Detox, Therapy
Support groups for families and sibling groups
Educational drug awareness forum "SCARED STRAIGHT"
Drug awareness presentation for schools/parents
#angelonamission #nursescare #stopthestigma #recoveryispossible #addictionangel
This was Lace.
My angel.
And I was the reason she looked so conflicted. There was no maker to blame, just me.
Say it.
I see you.
“I see you, Lace,” I whispered.
“A lot of good that does me,” she replied.
I shook my head.
“No good at all,” I affirmed as I extended my hand, taking hers and pulling her against me. “You’d be better off if I never laid eyes on you,” I added, squeezing her hand before I lifted my free one to her cheek. “Too late,” I hissed. “Cause girl, I see you and now I can’t fucking forget you,” I admitted.
The song changed on her iPod and music filtered through the speakers. I watched recognition spark in her eyes as she turned her attention to the speaker.
“Did you ever hear this song?” She asked softly, her voice blending into the music.
“No,” I said, taking a step toward her, bending my knees and bringing us to eye level. I leaned my forehead against hers, taking our joined hands and bringing them behind her to rest against the small of her back.
I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing but I couldn’t stop.
My lips grazed her temple as she pressed her body against mine, dropping our joined hands to wrap both her arms around my neck.
“Listen to the words,” she demanded.
You’re saying I’m fragile I try not to be
I search for something only I can’t see
“Will you dance with me?” Her voice pleaded as she whispered the question.
I learned then that even the toughest motherfuckers had weaknesses and mine was standing in front of me asking me to dance.
I didn’t fucking dance.
But now I did.
My feet surrendered my soul, taking the steps to bring me closer to her and give her what she needed. I’ve been feeding off her light for so long, taking the sweetness of her greedily because I’ve become addicted to the hope she sparks in me.
Hope that there was a shred of decency buried beneath the leather.
Repay her.
Give her back her wings.
Make it better.
Looking at her now, the selfish reasons that brought me here faded away and are replaced by the need to put her first. To put her before me, to give her back her light and pull her from the sadness that had her crying in solitude.
Just this once I could do the healing and not the reaping.
My hands moved down her back, cupping her ass beneath the t-shirt that barely covered her and I rocked her against my body.
“Blackie,” she whispered.
“Lacey,” I groaned. “I didn’t come here for this,” I said, slipping my fingers beneath her lace panties.
“I know why you came here,” she said, pulling back a fraction as her gaze dipped to my lips. “But I will do everything I can to change your mind,” she promised.
It wouldn’t take much.
MEET “BLACKIE” aka #NickBennett
“Blackie” (model Nick Bennett) will be signing at The Tempted and Tantalizing Author Event in Staten Island, NY on 9-30-2017.
Stay tuned for more information on ticket sales, attending authors, VIP offers and much more.
Like the #TNTNYC17 Facebook page to keep up on the current information about the event.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TNTNYC17/?fref=ts



Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild.
Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself.
She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.

Sonja's Review
I've wanted to read Blackie and Lacey's story ever since we found out that there was a Blackie and Lacey. I won't lie - I was a little nervous whenever I thought about reading Lethal Temptations because I knew it was going to be a doozy. I wasn't wrong about that, but while it is angsty - it's not all angst, all the time. It was incredible book and I truly loved and enjoyed reading it!
To read Uncontrollable Temptations you never would've guessed that Lacey struggles with the same illness that her father does - or at least I didn't - and to think of her going through all of that alone and to see the way her maker torments her? Well, my heart just broke for her and I wanted nothing more than for her to get her happy ending with Blackie and to hug her. Lacey is so strong and sweet and absolutely as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She's Blackie's angel and I'd have to agree with him because she's so pure of heart and soul when it comes to loving him, but that doesn't mean that's she not a fierce, feisty fighter. Lacey is an amazing heroine and I couldn't love her or be more proud of her than I already am!
I'll admit that when I met Blackie for the first time in Forbidden Temptations, I didn't really like him - he was a jerk and even though we learned that it as coming from a good place, I still wasn't crazy about him. He's hasn't been my favorite character and while he might not be my favorite hero out of all the Tempted men, he really did grow on me and I do love Blackie. He's a difficult man, but once he decides he wants Lacey, he's all in. He's protective, possessive, loyal, and so devoted. Blackie's a good man and I'm so happy he's found his peace and can be happy.
Lethal Temptations is beautiful, utterly heartbreaking and full of meaning, wisdom, and depth. It's not always easy - it will frustrate you, make you cry, and make you ache, but it will also make you laugh and smile and feel hope that Blackie and Lacey will be better and get together. It was just amazing, touching, and moving and without a doubt the best book in the series!
Lethal Temptations is the fifth book in the Tempted series but it can be read as a standalone. It's told mostly from Blackie and Lacey's point of view and they do get their well-deserved happily-ever-after!
And now I just have one thing left to say:
Go get it, girl!
~ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars
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