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Friday, June 10, 2016

VIRTUAL TOUR REVIEW: Hold You Against Me by Skye Warren

From New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren 
comes a sexy new standalone in the Stripped series...

Stripped Series 
Skye Warren
Released May 31st, 2016

From New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren comes a sexy new standalone in the Stripped series...

Once upon a time the daughter of a mafia king fell in love with a foot soldier.

This fairy tale didn't have a happy ending.

My sister and I barely managed to escape alive, and we've lived in relative hiding ever since. I'm safe now, but I can never forget the boy who gave his life to save mine.

Except there are whispers that he's still alive. And he's fighting a war.

Even knowing the risks, I have to find him. I have to find some way to protect him, the way he protected me. But he isn't the boy I left behind. He's a violent man. A criminal. And he's been waiting for me--the final pawn in a dark game of survival and love. 

I have wanted to read Hold You Against Me ever since the end of Pretty When You Cry! I just couldn't wait to find out all about Clara and her secrets and Skye Warren did not let me down. Hold You Against Me is definitely my favorite in the Stripped series that I have read so far - I completely loved it! 

Clara was a bit of a mystery for me when I first met her in Pretty When You Cry. She was quiet and there seemed like there was a sadness to her or like you could tell her heart was aching about something and I couldn't help but want to know what it was. My heart ached for her when I got my answer, but I knew it would all work out in the end, so I couldn't be too sad for her. Clara might be quiet and gentle, but she's also fierce and strong. She was a truly great heroine and I loved her. 

I totally fell head over heels in love with Giovanni, first when he was really only just a boy and then when we see the man he has become. He can be cold and hard and might seem like a bad guy at times, but he's so much more than he appears. Gio has such a wonderful heart and he can be so sweet that he completely melted my heart and stole it. He totally has me and I dare you to try not to fall love with him because you won't be able to. 

Hold You Against Me grabbed my attention from the very beginning and did not want to let go. It was sexy and beautiful and full of some heartbreak, mystery, and suspense. It was fantastic and I had such a good time reading it! 

Hold You Against Me is a standalone, although you might want to read the prequel, Tough Love, if you haven't already. It's told mostly only from Clara's POV, and Gio and Clara get their well-deserved HEA. I can't wait to see who and what comes next in this series!  

~ Sonja, 4.5 Stars


Something moves me gently, constant and rhythmic like waves. I’m warm. There’s something soft curling around my arms, wrapped inside my fists. Padding beneath my cheek that smells like home.

An unnatural darkness weighs down on me, keeping me from waking up—a demon’s whisper in my ear. You’re warm, you’re safe. Sleep.

But something is wrong.

I remember falling asleep, so suddenly, remember drinking water that I hadn’t filled. And I remember the phone call from Amy telling me that Giovanni’s alive. Impossible.

Awareness pricks my skin like a cold breeze. Wherever I am, I’m not alone.

I blink rapidly, forcing my eyes open. They adjust to the darkness quickly, taking in the tinted windows on either side and the wide leather bench curving beneath me. I’m in a car. A limo, to be exact. And it’s moving.

On the opposite side of the long space, a large body reclines. I can see the wide stance of his legs, the pale white of his shirt. A suit jacket tossed beside his hip. His face is hidden in the shadows of the vehicle.

I was raised by the head of the Las Vegas mafia, the capo. I grew up around guns and violence, so I know when a man is armed. It’s the way he holds himself, the warning shimmering around him like a dark halo.

This man is armed and extremely dangerous.

Every muscle in my body tenses. My mind still swims in thick water, because I must have been drugged. He drugged me, this faceless man. Why did he take me? It won’t be anything good, that’s for sure.

Even worse, I suspect this has something to do with my past, with my family. It’s messed up that I’d rather be taken by some random psycho. But at least then I’d have a chance of getting away.

“Who are you?” I demand, my voice hoarse from whatever drugs they gave me.

There’s a long pause, the weight of his regard as heavy as a finger trailing down my neck.

“Have I really changed that much, bella, that you don’t recognize me?”

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of dark romance such as Wanderlust and Prisoner. Praised as a “true mistress of dark erotica”, her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, four dogs, and one evil cat.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely review! Thank you for hosting HOLD YOU AGAINST ME today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours
