From New York Times Bestseller Pepper Winters comes a timeless love story answering the question of what happens when everything is stripped away.

"There is a message for everything. From handwritten to verbal, seen and unseen. Messages exist all around us."
But what if you don't see?
What if you don't understand?
What if, by ignoring the message, your life is never the same again?
Estelle Evermore morphed from nobody to somebody overnight.
Galloway Oak put his past behind him and endeavored to make his fortune using his trade.
Two strangers.
One plane.
Multiple unseen messages.
From sky to island, they find neither fame nor skills can save them. Stripped from society and left alone to survive the elements, the very task of staying alive outweighs all other needs.
Until survival turns to desire.
And desire turns to danger.

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Lia's Review
Have you ever just wanted to crawl inside a book and live there? That's exactly what happened to me with Unseen Messages. Pepper Winters books admittedly scare the bejeezus out of me. I'm not into dark, I'm not into shades of gray. I don't like them, I don't read them, I avoid them like the plague. However this book is so different. So brilliant, so all encompassing. My eyes burned and swelled from reading late into the night. I just couldn't put it down, couldn't escape this world which Pepper created. These characters, their tragedies were my tragedies. Their triumphs, my own. I felt like I had a front row view into everything they were feeling, experiencing. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to be a castaway with them.
I just can't even explain how utterly amazing this story is. It's prose sometimes poetic, sometimes morose. I tore through this book as fast as I could, yet savoring every morsel Pepper Winters offered me. I cringed, I cried and I celebrated with this mismatched, most unlikely family. I loved them, I mourned them. And I took the most amazing journey with them. If any book should be made into a screenplay, it's this one right here. It will leave you satisfied yet wanting more. The books I reread are few and far between. This will be one of them. I feel like I need to go back just to soak it all in. I'm completely besotted.
I usually save the six star ratings for the most exceptional of books. I can't even give this book six stars. It deserves so much more than that.
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