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My Booklandia

Monday, April 11, 2016

BOOK TOUR REVIEW: The Matchmaker's Playbook by Rachel Van Dyken


Wingman rule number one: don’t fall for a client.

After a career-ending accident, former NFL recruit Ian Hunter is back on campus—and he’s ready to get his new game on. As one of the masterminds behind Wingmen, Inc., a successful and secretive word-of-mouth dating service, he’s putting his extensive skills with women to work for the lovelorn. But when Blake Olson requests the services of Wingmen, Inc., Ian may have landed his most hopeless client yet.

From her frumpy athletic gear to her unfortunate choice of footwear, Blake is going to need a miracle if she wants to land her crush. At least with a professional matchmaker by her side she has a fighting chance. Ian knows that his advice and a makeover can turn Blake into another successful match. But as Blake begins the transformation from hot mess to smokin’ hot, Ian realizes he’s in danger of breaking his cardinal rule…

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Meet the men behind Wingmen Inc 

Meet Ian

Ian Hunter, ex NFL football player, with a huge heart and a giant, large, mega watt, smile ;) He's always been a player off the field and on, so why not use his talents to better the world? It only makes sense, if one can't play, why not teach? So thats what Ian does, he teaches women how to get the man. 

How to walk. 




And yes, even text. 

Some may call him a genius, but really, he's just a regular guy, he puts his pants on one leg at a time just like you do, only his pants are designer, and his ego? Well, lets just say it matches the size of something else.

Just know, that if you need a wingman? He's your guy. 



“You’re really . . . hot.”

“I know,” I said in a bored tone. “But remember, you’re my client. I’m helping you so you can help yourself.”

Shell frowned. “So you don’t ever date your clients?”

No, because all of my clients were in love with someone else, and I didn’t have time to play the hero. I almost always created a catastrophe that their crush had to save them from, solidifying that relationship and breaking them away from whatever hero worship they had of me. It made sense, if you really thought about it. The women I dealt with were so starved for male attention that they had a hard time telling the difference between my acting and actual feelings. It’s why I always made my rules very clear.

“Never,” I said, keeping my voice crisp. “Shell, sweetheart. I’m going to e-mail you the schedule for the next week. Let me know if you have any issues, but no phone calls, do you understand?”

She nodded slowly.

“Only texts and e-mails. We don’t talk on the phone. And if you see me around campus, you don’t know me. Outside of our business arrangement, we’re strangers. And if anyone asks about Wingmen Inc. . . .”

She sighed. “I know, I know. Give them the red card with the Superman logo on the front and the giant W on the back.”

I winked. Our cards were genius. They just looked like stupid Superman cards, when, really, the message was on the back. The message was always in the details people rarely paid attention to. “Great.” Standing, I held out my hand. “Seven days is all I need.”

She glanced over at the barista, who was still blatantly shooting daggers in our direction. “I hope you’re right.”

With an eye roll, I pulled her in for a quick kiss on the lips and whispered, “I’m never wrong.”

“You smell spicy.”

Aw, how cute, a compliment. Maybe I’ll only need six days. After all, one of the days was completely dedicated to learning how to stroke a man’s ego. Look how fast my little grasshopper was learning!

“Thanks.” I placed my hand on the small of her back and guided her out of the coffee shop.

“Bye, Ian.” She walked toward a red Honda and hopped in. Damn, I’d had her pegged as a green Jetta type of girl. Well, can’t win ’em all.

The minute I jumped into my Range Rover, my phone rang.

“How was she?” Lex yawned on the other end of the phone. I imagined he was probably shit-deep in e-mails, since it was two weeks after New Year’s, meaning everyone with a pulse had just created New Year’s resolutions to change their lives. “Because your waiting list is hella long, and if she’s not a good fit, I have another girl that offered to pay me in sexual favors to move her to the top.”

“Cross her off,” I barked. “If she knows how to give favors, she knows how to get her own damn man.”

“Noted.” Lex chuckled darkly.

I made a mental note to make sure he actually checked her off the list rather than making fake promises just so he could get his rocks off.

“Oh,” Lex said, “and Gabi says if you don’t make it tonight for dinner, she’s going to glue your hand to your penis. Though she was much more graphic.”

“Always is.” I grinned. “Text her and let her know I’m on my way.”

“Done.” He hung up.

I didn’t pick this life. It’s not like I woke up one morning and went, Wow, wouldn’t it be so badass to help dowdy women get the guy? And before you stomp off in a huff, look at the facts. Almost 60 percent of women marry down, meaning most women go for a man with the dad bod. The guy who is more than likely going to make less than them; never work out; eat hot dogs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and, let’s face it, need Viagra by age forty.

All it takes is a simple Internet search to get the facts.

Women are, by nature, insecure creatures, and if by the tender age of thirty-five they haven’t settled down, they’ll most likely marry the guy with the unfortunate bald spot and a heart of gold.

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

It’s kind of like when you go to the pound and pick the dog with the lazy eye because you feel sorry for it and you know without a doubt that bastard will never stray.

So what’s the difference between settling and settling?

The first type of settling is cute. The dog with the lazy eye, or in this case, the man, really is what’s best for the girl. A match made in heaven. They’re the couples you see holding hands while you wonder if the girl’s legally blind. It’s the hot tall mom and the short dad. The sorority girl and the guy with the beer gut. The cheerleader and the science nerd.

For some reason, the universe accepts this. I accept this.

What I don’t accept? The insecure type of settling, desperate in nature. 

Granted, that’s rarer.

But getting more and more common.

It’s when a girl never reaches her own potential, thus, settling for less than what she’s worth. It’s the quiet girl who was never taught how to wear makeup. The chubby girl who eats her feelings but has a hilarious personality, who should by all means be paired with the quarterback.

It’s the matches who never find one another.

It’s my sister.

over to the swear jar and tossed in a dollar bill.



Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor. She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers! Want to be kept up to date on new releases? Text MAFIA to 66866!

You can connect with her on Facebook or join her fan group Rachel's New Rockin Readers. Her website is


Sonja's Review

Okay, I'll admit it... it was the cover that made me really want to read The Matchmaker's Playbook even though I've been kind of on the fence about reading Ms. Van Dyken again. Don't get me wrong, I have loved the books of hers I have read - they're amazing and have great storylines - I just felt like I was getting a bite of a delicious brownie with all the hot, possessive, dominant thoughts of the hero about his heroine and then when that was pretty much as far as it went, I felt like my brownie was taken away before I got to finish it and it drove me a little crazy. I did plan on reading Ms. Van Dyken again eventually because she truly does have a talent for writing, so I after I saw the cover The Matchmaker's Playbook and read the synopsis, it wasn't hard to decide to read it. It also didn't hurt that one of my friends had read one of Ms. Van Dyken's recent book releases and told me it was hot without taking away any of the awesome brownie goodness - although I would have read this book even if my friend hadn't told me that. I am so glad that I took a chance on reading this because it was wonderful and there wasn't anything that I didn't love about it! 

Ian Hunter is one of those guys that are c*cky and a little bit of an a**hole, but for the most part, in a way that's more amusing than offensive. Ian was just always making me laugh and it didn't take me long to fall in love with him. Of course, he's funny and confident and teasing and playful, but he's also sweet and thoughtful and a little deep. Ian is a fantastic hero and I couldn't love him any more than I already do! 

The Matchmaker's Playbook is a light, fun, steamy, and entertaining read! It did occasionally tug on my heartstrings, but it had me laughing out loud the whole through, smiling a lot, and there were definitely moments where it made me sigh, aww, and melt. It was just perfection to me, I wholeheartedly loved it, and I absolutely, positively CANNOT WAIT to read the next book!! Bring on Lex and Gabi! 

The Matchmaker's Playbook is the first book in the Wingmen Inc. series, it's told only from Ian's POV, and Ian and Blake do get their HEA!

~ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars

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